“法海”新专限定周边杂志有惊喜 藏Kanye West诗作
在上个周末,法海Frank Ocean终于为粉丝带来了那张千呼万唤始出来的第二张录音室专辑《Blonde》,与最近流行的音乐仅在数字渠道或音乐流媒体平台发布不同。 《Blonde》实体版也在全球几大城市限时店铺(快闪店)上架,其中包括仅在店铺内能得到的一本免费限定杂志《Boy's Don't Cry》,每人限领一本显得非常珍贵。杂志中记录有Frank Ocean本人四年创作历程时,许多珍贵的个人和共同合作的艺人手稿,资料以及视觉/听觉信息,最令人惊喜的是其中包含了一首“侃爷”Kanye West创作的诗作《The McDonald's Man麦当劳》。
著名波普艺术家安迪·沃霍尔认为世界上最好的食物就是麦当劳,显然一向以“人民艺术家”自称的Kanye West也对麦当劳食品充满情感。
《The McDonald's Man-麦当劳》
-Kanye West
McDonalds Man
McDonalds Man
The french fries had a plan
The french fries had a plan
The salad bar and the ketchup made a band
Cus the french fries had a plan
The french fries had a plan
McDonalds Man
I know them french fries have a plan
I know them french fries have a plan
The cheeseburger and the shakes formed a band
To overthrow the french fries plan
I always knew them french fries was evil man
Smelling all good and shit
I don't trust no food that smells that good man
I don't trust it
I just can't
McDonalds Man
McDonalds Man
McDonalds, damn
Them french fries look good tho
I knew the Diet Coke was jealous of the fries
I knew the McNuggets was jealous of the fries
Even the McRib was jealous of the fries
I could see it through his artificial meat eyes
And he only be there some of the time
Everybody was jealous of them french fries
Except for that one special guy
That smooth apple pie