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发布日期:2022-07-31 00:45:27  稿源:环球时报


《酸黄瓜》作品近景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney
《酸黄瓜》作品近景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney


The work carries a NZD$10,000 price tag, and will cost the buyer another NZD$4.44 for a cheeseburger. The institution, or collector who owns it, will be given instructions on how to recreate the art in their own space.

对此,有人称这是“天才之作” “精妙高超(“genius” and “brilliant”),有人则称其是“愚蠢的”。


“I got kicked out of a McDonald’s by the police for doing this when I was a teenager, now it’s art.”



“Generally speaking, artists aren’t the ones deciding whether something is art is not – they are the ones who make and do things. Whether something is valuable and meaningful as artwork is the way that we collectively, as a society choose to use it or talk about it,” Moore said.

《酸黄瓜》作品远景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney
《酸黄瓜》作品远景 图源:Courtesy of the Matthew Griffin and Fine Arts, Sydney


“The gesture is so pure, so joyful … that is what makes it so good.”


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