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[视频]Moto 360智能手表上手体验
发布日期:2014-06-26 08:08:29  稿源:cnBeta.COM

作为今年谷歌I/O大会的重要主持人Android业务主管Sundar Pichai在上台之后就将全场的目光集中到他的手上--备受期待的Moto 360智能手表。作为Android Wear项目的重要成员,也是项目中唯一采用圆形设计的手表,Moto 360将于今年夏季晚些时候(但并未确定准确时间)上市发售。在发布会结束之后谷歌提供了媒体体验时间,让我们跟随外媒的脚步对这款手表进一步的了解。

首先Moto 360给人的第一印象就是漂亮。屏幕给人的感觉是非常酷炫、明亮和震撼人心的,会有一种迫不及待想戴在手上的冲动。Moto 360尽管外观看上去有点“大块头”,但实际重量并非很重。

IMG 87601 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8767 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8720 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8723 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8731 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

在佩戴之后外媒认为Moto 360采用的常亮模式(Always-On)非常具备优势,圆形的屏幕设计能够更加符合传统手表的使用习惯,只是感觉还是有点偏厚偏大。

IMG 8739 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8748 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8743 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8760 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

IMG 8715 520x346 Hands on with the Moto 360: Its as beautiful as promised

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