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发布日期:2014-06-27 08:56:49  稿源:cnBeta.COM

智能手机在承担通讯交流基本功能也扮演着替代传统数码相机的角色,近年来移动终端的相机功能不断得到强化,甚至部分相机(例如Nokia 808)都可以媲美单反,不过却存在一个天然的劣势--镜头。为此Ztylus公司近日为iPhone5/5S、Note 3和S4推出了镜头保护套,在提供防护能力的同时通过移动机身背面的镜头设备能够将智能手机转换成能够切换各种镜头的数码相机。

目前Ztylus为Galaxy S4/Note 3所设计的保护套有黑色和白色两种颜色,售价为$34.99。符合人体工程学、类似于相机的把手和镜头固定旋扣。此外如果需要购买镜头,Revolver RV-1四合一套装额外支付$64.99,套装内包含三个镜头,分别是广角、微距镜头和鱼眼镜头。Ztylus为iPhone 5/5S的保护套售价为$39.99,Revolver RV-2镜头套装的售价为$69.99。

Source: Ztylus


The RV-1 lens kit includes a macro lens for extreme close ups

The Galaxy S4 Ztylus case has a triped mounting screw

The integrated kickstand can support the S4 in landscape or portrait viewing mode

The Ztylus Galaxy S4 case with RV-1 lens kit

The rear of the RV-1 4-in-1 lens

The RV-1 includes a circular polarizer lens, a fisheye lens, ans a 2-in-1 wide angle/macro...

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 sporting its Ztylus case and RV-1 lens kit

Even with the lens kit in place, the Zstylus case is reported to be slim enough to fit com...

The Ztylus Galaxy Note 3 case with RV-1 lens kit

The Ztylus Galaxy Note 3 kickstand supports viewing in landscape mode

The Ztylus iPhone case includes a two position aluminum kickstand

The circular cover that houses the two position aluminum kickstand can be removed to insta...

Each Z-Optics lens twists and locks into position and pops out from within the housing bef...

The Ztylus iPhone case on show at CE Week in New York

The RV-2 lens kit offers four lens options

Ztylus iPhone 5/5S protective case with Revolver RV-2 lens kit installed

The downside is that the case and lens system need to be purchased separately

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