日前,位于山景城的搜索巨头谷歌旗下的 Google Scholar 发布了 2014 版期刊排名(2014 version of Scholar Metrics)。其中,《自然》、《新英格兰医学杂志》与《科学》名列三甲,4 至 10 位则分别是:《柳叶刀》、《细胞》、《美国科学院院报》、《临床肿瘤学杂志》、《化学评论》、《物理评论快报》以及《美国化学学会期刊》。详细榜单(英文)如下:
Rank | Publication | h5-index | h5-median |
1 | Nature | 355 | 495 |
2 | The New England Journal of Medicine | 329 | 495 |
3 | Science | 311 | 431 |
4 | The Lancet | 248 | 381 |
5 | Cell | 223 | 343 |
6 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 217 | 280 |
7 | Journal of Clinical Oncology | 205 | 306 |
8 | Chemical Reviews | 193 | 339 |
9 | Physical Review Letters | 191 | 263 |
10 | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 190 | 250 |
11 | Nature Genetics | 188 | 270 |
12 | JAMA | 181 | 288 |
13 | Circulation | 178 | 274 |
14 | Chemical Society reviews | 176 | 272 |
15 | Nano Letters | 174 | 247 |
16 | Advanced Materials | 173 | 253 |
17 | Angewandte Chemie International Edition | 171 | 247 |
18 | NBER Working Papers | 168 | 241 |
19 | Nucleic Acids Research | 164 | 281 |
20 | Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 162 | 235 |
21 | arXiv Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) | 162 | 222 |
22 | Blood | 156 | 200 |
23 | The Astrophysical Journal | 153 | 204 |
24 | ACS Nano | 149 | 215 |
25 | PLoS ONE | 148 | 187 |
26 | Nature Materials | 146 | 250 |
27 | Nature Medicine | 146 | 217 |
28 | arXiv High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) | 145 | 194 |
29 | Angewandte Chemie | 139 | 179 |
30 | arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall) | 138 | 198 |
31 | arXiv Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) | 136 | 227 |
32 | Nature Nanotechnology | 136 | 200 |
33 | Nature Reviews Cancer | 135 | 242 |
34 | Neuron | 135 | 178 |
35 | Physical Review D | 134 | 181 |
36 | British Medical Journal | 133 | 187 |
37 | Cancer Research | 133 | 178 |
38 | The Journal of Clinical Investigation | 133 | 176 |
39 | The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | 132 | 188 |
40 | Gastroenterology | 132 | 180 |
41 | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 131 | 267 |
42 | Journal of High Energy Physics | 130 | 178 |
43 | Nature Reviews Genetics | 129 | 244 |
44 | Nature Immunology | 129 | 213 |
45 | Nature Biotechnology | 129 | 197 |
46 | The Lancet Oncology | 128 | 208 |
47 | arXiv Quantum Physics (quant-ph) | 128 | 204 |
48 | Physical Review B | 128 | 161 |
49 | Accounts of Chemical Research | 127 | 189 |
50 | Hepatology | 127 | 181 |
51 | The Journal of Neuroscience | 127 | 156 |
52 | Nature Reviews Immunology | 126 | 226 |
53 | Nature Physics | 124 | 181 |
54 | arXiv High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) | 124 | 174 |
55 | Immunity | 123 | 183 |
56 | The American Economic Review | 122 | 196 |
57 | The Journal of Experimental Medicine | 122 | 188 |
58 | Nature Photonics | 122 | 186 |
59 | Cell Stem Cell | 121 | 192 |
60 | Molecular Cell | 121 | 172 |
61 | Nature Neuroscience | 121 | 166 |
62 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 121 | 154 |
63 | Nature Reviews Neuroscience | 119 | 220 |
64 | The Lancet Neurology | 119 | 191 |
65 | arXiv High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) | 118 | 178 |
66 | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR | 118 | 167 |
67 | Biomaterials | 118 | 143 |
68 | European Heart Journal | 117 | 178 |
69 | Pediatrics | 117 | 162 |
70 | NeuroImage | 117 | 158 |
71 | Applied Physics Letters | 117 | 151 |
72 | Review of Financial Studies | 116 | 179 |
73 | Clinical Cancer Research | 116 | 162 |
74 | Annals of Internal Medicine | 115 | 178 |
75 | Nature Cell Biology | 115 | 173 |
76 | Environmental Science & Technology | 115 | 151 |
77 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 115 | 150 |
78 | Genes & Development | 114 | 162 |
79 | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine | 114 | 150 |
80 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | 114 | 146 |
81 | Nature Methods | 113 | 187 |
82 | Diabetes Care | 113 | 163 |
83 | Clinical Infectious Diseases | 113 | 148 |
84 | Cancer Cell | 112 | 197 |
85 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | 112 | 154 |
86 | Advanced Functional Materials | 111 | 157 |
87 | Energy & Environmental Science | 111 | 146 |
88 | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery | 110 | 186 |
89 | Archives of Internal Medicine | 110 | 153 |
90 | Journal of Materials Chemistry | 110 | 153 |
91 | Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) | 110 | 142 |
92 | arXiv Superconductivity (cond-mat.supr-con) | 109 | 162 |
93 | Genome Research | 109 | 160 |
94 | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | 108 | 161 |
95 | The Journal of Cell Biology | 108 | 151 |
96 | PLoS Genetics | 108 | 144 |
97 | Neurology | 108 | 132 |
98 | Reviews of Modern Physics | 107 | 233 |
99 | The Journal of Finance | 107 | 163 |
100 | Chemistry of Materials | 107 | 152 |
其中,在 Life Sciences 领域的期刊排名如下:
Rank | Publication | h5-index | h5-median |
1 | Nature | 355 | 495 |
2 | Science | 311 | 431 |
3 | Cell | 223 | 343 |
4 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 217 | 280 |
5 | Nature Genetics | 188 | 270 |
6 | Nucleic Acids Research | 164 | 281 |
7 | PLoS ONE | 148 | 187 |
8 | Neuron | 135 | 178 |
9 | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 131 | 267 |
10 | Nature Reviews Genetics | 129 | 244 |
11 | Nature Biotechnology | 129 | 197 |
12 | Cell Stem Cell | 121 | 192 |
13 | Molecular Cell | 121 | 172 |
14 | Nature Cell Biology | 115 | 173 |
15 | Environmental Science & Technology | 115 | 151 |
16 | Genes & Development | 114 | 162 |
17 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | 114 | 146 |
18 | Nature Methods | 113 | 187 |
19 | Genome Research | 109 | 160 |
20 | The Journal of Cell Biology | 108 | 151 |