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[多图]三星Gear Live详细评测
发布日期:2014-07-04 15:33:07  稿源:cnBeta.COM

作为最早一批进军智能手表领域也是目前市场上唯一横跨两个可穿戴系统的制造商,三星凭借着在智能手机的深厚底蕴在不断的摸索中走出了自己的多元化道路,共同推进Tizen和Android Wear两款平台的繁荣发展。在今年的Google I/O大会正式亮相之后Gear Live吸引了众多消费者的目光,在接下来的文章中我们将对其进行详细的介绍。

Gear Live (left) next to Pebble Steel

三星Gear Live智能手表规格:

 ※ 屏幕:分辨率为320*320的1.63英寸Super AMOLED屏幕,像素密度为278ppi

 ※ 处理器:1.2GHz的高通骁龙400处理器

 ※ 内存:512MB

 ※ 内置储存:4GB

 ※ 电池:300mAh,底部有无线充电引脚

 ※ 蓝牙:蓝牙 4.0 LE

 ※ 传感器:心率传感器、陀螺仪、加速计和罗盘

 ※ 三防:IP67

 ※ 尺寸:56mm * 38mm * 8.9mm

 ※ 重量:59g

 ※ 发售日期:6月25日接受预订,7月7日发货

 ※ 售价:$199(约合¥1234)


It even does dinner reservations


在Gear Live试用过程中我们认为Android Wear是最佳智能手表系统。该系统整合了Google Now,为用户提供了完善的通知服务和语音命令。而且作为Android Wear项目的开端,可以预见整个平台将会不断的完善和成熟。


The Gear Live is IP67 water and dust resistant



The Gear Live's design language is similar to Samsung's older Gear watches

The Gear Live has a rubbery default band, but you can swap it for any standard 22 mm band

三星Gear Live采用了22mm的标准表带,这就意味着消费者能够根据自身的喜好来自由的进行更换。

Super AMOLED屏幕:

That screen isn't great in direct sunlight, but we still find it acceptable


首先值得肯定的是Gear Live秉承了三星高端Galaxy系列机型的屏幕做工,1.63英寸屏幕的像素密度达到278ppi,这意味着在小屏幕上会有非常细腻的表现。但与此同时外媒在佩戴过程中也表示在太阳直晒情况下表现并不是十分优异,对于辨析屏幕的图案和文字还还有点难度,所以不要期望在夏季充足光照的户外能够看清表盘上显示的信息。


You'll need an Android phone, running Android 4.3 or higher, to pair with the Gear Live

和目前市场上大多数智能手表一样三星Gear Live本身并不能做太多的事情,你必须通过蓝牙连接到手机上进行相关的进程处理。不过在兼容性方面Android Wear的适用面积明显更广,支持所有Android 4.3系统以上的设备。


An incoming text message card on the Gear Live

作为Android Wear的标准配置Gear Live内置了基于Google Now的语音控制命令,这就意味着能够随时应对你的各项需求,给你的生活添加丰富的乐趣。比如说此前已经设定好要买点东西,当你在商场附近的时候,Live就会自动以语音形式向你发出提醒。而且整个语音的反馈速度是十分快的,比如说我问Live“ Dikembe Mutombo(NBA球星)有多高?”,屏幕上会自动显示Mutombo的图片,并以卡片的形式告诉我为7英尺2英寸(2.18米)。


The Gear Live has a heart rate sensor on its backside

现阶段智能手表和健身手表的功能产生了交叠,前者不断扮演后者的功能,为此三星Gear Live引入同Galaxy S5相同的心率传感器对于健身用户来说则是非常实用的功能。作为贴身携带的产品,能够更好的记录用户当前的状态,通过对用户习惯的收集分析推荐更好的健身方式。


An example of a watch face, while the Gear Live is 'dimmed' (inactive)

Remember to pack your passport

You can get sports scores on your wrist as well

Swiping down from the top of the screen mutes or unmutes your watch's alerts

If you only swipe halfway down, you can see the date and the watch's remaining battery

Expect to see more cards and third-party app support, as Android Wear matures

The Gear Live has a 1.63-in, 320 x 320 screen

Gizmag reviews Samsung's best smartwatch to date (by a longshot), the Gear Live

You can set reminders by time or location

The Gear Live's band lacks the folding clasp that we saw in the older Gears

The Gear Live is only 8.9 mm (0.35-in) thick

It looks very 'smartwatchy,' but, if you can live with that, we still think Samsung's desi...

The Gear Live's main body is pretty large, and won't likely pass for a standard watch

You can get turn-by-turn driving alerts on your Gear Live

Another dinner reservation

Looks like some traffic will be slowing things down today

Uh oh, it's a winter storm warning!

The Gear Live even does boarding passes

In case you still forgot to pack that passport ...

One of the more subtle watch faces for the Gear Live (there are currently 13 total)

The Gear Live's default band is easily adjustable

Of course you get weather as well (including forecasts for any part of the world that you ...

Another watch face for the Gear Live

It may not pass for a Rolex, but, as far as tech products go, the Gear Live looks pretty s...

The Gear Live weighs 59 g (2.08 oz)

Like the Gear 2, the Gear Live charges via a small snap-on cradle (which, in turn, connect...


[图]三星自家Gear对决:Tizen和Android Wear对比

[图]搭载Android Wear的三星Gear Live上手体验

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