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微软发博文称WindUp仅为研究目的发布 非Snapchat竞争者
发布日期:2014-08-16 08:05:02  稿源:cnBeta.COM

昨日我们报道过,微软研究院Microsoft Research推出了一款类似Snapchat的阅后即焚消息应用:WindUp。不过微软今日在一篇官博上表示,WindUp仅供研究测试目的,并非意与其他服务(显然指的是Snapchat)竞争,且并非商用目的。总之该应用是一款实验性产品,仍有很大改进的空间,并不会作为微软的核心产品。




WindUp is a mobile application for research purposes only that enables users to share images, videos, text, and audio snippets for a finite period of time, or for a designated number of views, before the content in question is deleted permanently.

The application is designed to enable me and my team to explore patterns of content creation and exchange.  It isn’t meant to compete with anyone else’s service, and it isn’t meant for commercial purposes.

At Microsoft Research, part of our work from time to time involves building prototypes that let us explore some basic research questions. We hope that people give WindUp a test and share their experiences with us, and we look forward to the feedback and the insights we’ll gain.



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