昨日有消息称日版iPhone 6国内可保修,但后来又被苹果中国的渠道所否认,CB网友就大家关心的日版iPhone是否可以在国内保修的问题再次咨询了美国的Apple在线客服,得到的答案是可以(只是目前的iPhone 5和5S并不可以),以下是聊天记录:
Brittany:But what I am finding on my end is that the iPhone 6 can actually be repaired in China if it was purchased in Japan.
Brittany:May I ask where you took the phone that said they were unable to repair it?
Me:I call the Apple China service number 400-627-2273
Me:they told me they can't repair the phone for me
Brittany:The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the only models that actually can be repaired in China if purchased in Japan, so the provider who told you that may not be aware that they are able to repair the phone. Older iPhones would not be able to be repaired in China, however.
Me:Is the repair service free?
Brittany:Provided there is no damage, and you stated there wasn’t, any repairs through Apple would be covered by your one year warranty, so there would be no charge. If you were to visit an Apple Authorized Service Provider, they should honor the same warranty, but they can also set their own prices and policies with their repairs as well.
Me:It's very good!
Me:But why Apple China told me they can't provide me the service?
Brittany: I’m not sure exactly why they gave you that information unless they weren’t aware that the 6 is eligible to be repaired in China if purchased in Japan. I’m noting your case here with that information so the AppleCare advisor can locate my notes using the same case number. You can also go to selfsolve.apple.com(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window) and view your pairs and Service coverage by the phone’s serial number.
Brittany:Now, the iPhone 5S and 5C are not able to be repaired in China if purchased in Japan, but the 6 and 6 can be, so they may have just provided you misinformation by mistake. I do apologize about that Xue!
Me:could you let Apple China support contact me?
Brittany:I apologize, I’m unable to setup a call from China AppleCare on my end unfortunately. Calling them directly is the only method to reach them at this time. However, I would recommend contacting Japan AppleCare first, since that is where the phone was purchased.
Brittany:Are you still there?
Brittany:We have not heard from you for some time. Do you wish to continue to chat?
Brittany:Since we have not heard from you for some time, we will now end this chat. Please click to chat with us again if we can be of further assistance.