Mozilla 今天将Mozilla Firefox 36.0 Beta送上了FTP服务器,新版采用Gecko 36作为内核,需要注意的是目前Firefox 36 Beta版分支还没有出现Windows 64位版本(从nightly版本上看目前性能依然没有调整到良好状态,预计Firefox 37会发展出稳定的产品),如有需要尝试的可以选用Developer Edition版本。预计正式版的Firefox 36将在2月中旬左右发布。
Changes for Web developersDeveloper Tools
Box Model Highlighter works on remote targets
All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 35 and Firefox 36.
The will-change property has been enabled by default (bug 961871).
The white-space property is now working on <textarea> HTML elements (bug 82711).
The unicode-range descriptor is now supported by @font-face (bug 475891).
The properties text-decoration-color, text-decoration-line, and text-decoration-style are unprefixed (bug 825004). The prefixed version are still available for some time to ease transition (bug 1097922).
The text-decoration property is turned into shorthand property (bug 1039488).
The properties object-fit and object-position are now supported (bug 624647)
The contents value of the display property has been experimented implemented. It is preffed off by default (bug 907396).
In Quirks mode, the :active and :hover quiver quirk has been altered to be applied less often: it is now used only on links, only if there are no pseudo-element or other pseudo-class in the element and if it isn't part of a pseudo-class element (bug 783213).
The isolation property has been implemented (bug 1077872).
CSS <gradient> now applies on the premultiplied colors, matching the spec and other browsers, and getting rid of unexpected gray colors appearing in them (bug 591600).
Interpolation hint syntax has been added to <gradient> (bug 1074056).
The scroll-behavior property has been implemented (bug 1010538).
Support for <meta name="referrer"> has been added (<a class="external external-icon" href="" title="FIXED: Implement
">bug 704320).
The ECMAScript 6 Symbol data type has been enabled by default (was available in the Nightly channel since version 33) (bug 1066322):
The old placeholder string "@@iterator" has been replaced with the real ES6 well-known symbol Symbol.iterator for the iterable interface property key (bug 918828).
The spec-internal abstract operation ToNumber(string) now supports binary (0b) and octal (0o) literals, this is a potentially breaking change from ES5 (bug 1079120).
Number("0b11") now returns 3, not NaN.
"0o11" == 9 now returns true, not false.
The const declaration is now block-scoped and requires an initializer (bug 611388). It also can not be redeclared anymore (bug 1095439).
{const a=1};a now throws a ReferenceError and does not returns 1 anymore due to block-scoping.
const a; now throws a SyntaxError ("missing = in const declaration"): An initializer is required.
const a = 1; a = 2; now also throws a SyntaxError ("invalid assignment to const a").
The ES7 method Array.prototype.includes has been implemented, but for now, it is only enabled in Nightly builds (bug 1069063).
The delete operator now triggers the "temporal dead zone" when using with letand const (bug 1074571).
The non-standard let blocks and let expressions are deprecated and will now log a warning in the console. Do not use them anymore, they will be removed in the future.
WeakMap constructor now handles optional iterable argument (bug 1092537).
The CanvasRenderingContext2D.resetTransform() method of the Canvas API has been implemented (bug 1099148).
ECDSA is now supported in the Web Crypto API (bug 1034854).
You can now use WebSockets in Workers (bug 1112054).
Our experimental implementation of WebGL 2.0 is going forward!
The WebGLQuery interface is available (bug 1048719).
The WebGL2RenderingContext.invalidateFrameBuffer() method has been implemented (bug 1076456).
The MediaDevices interface, containing the Promise-based version of getUserMedia(), has been added. It is available via Navigator.mediaDevices (bug 1033885).
The EME-related Navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() method, and the related MediaKeySystemAccess, is now supported (bug 1095257).
The keyschange event is now sent when an EME-related CDM change keys in a session (bug 1081755).
Experimental support for virtual reality devices has landed behind the dom.vr.enabled preference, off by default (bug 1036604).
The function associated with RTCPeerConnection.onsignalingstatechange now receives an event as parameter, as per spec (bug 1075133).
The experimental implementation of Web Animations make progress: the method and AnimationPlayer.pause() are now supported (bug 1070745).
The non-standard DOMRequest interface has now a then() method (bug 839838).
The CSSOM View scroll behavior controlling methods, Element.scroll(), Element.scrollTo(), Element.scrollBy(), and Element.scrollIntoView(), have been implemented or extended (bug 1045754 and bug 1087559).
Assigning to Element.innerHTML on an SVGElement now create elements in the SVG namespace (bug 886390).
No change.
No change.
No change.
Support for SPDY/3 has been removed; support for SPDY/3.1 is still available (bug 1097944).
RC4 is now considered as insecure and all UI indicators will react as such; SSLv3 has been disabled by default in Firefox 34, but the UI has been changed to help the user better understand what is happening (bug 1093595).
The form-action directive of CSP 1.1 is now supported (bug 529687).
Changes for add-on and Mozilla developersJavaScript code modules
PromiseUtils.resolveOrTimeout is implemented (bug 1080466).
PromiseUtils.defer (a replacement for Promise.defer) is implemented (bug 1093021).
No change.