苹果最近的广告宣传活动围绕着“如果这不是一台iPhone,怎么也比不上iPhone(If it's not an iPhone, it's not an iPhone)”广告语,推出了一系列创意十足的电视广告,介绍只有在苹果iPhone上才能享受到的功能特性,今日苹果放出了系列第五部广告:“Apple Pay”篇来宣传移动支付方案Apple Pay如何令iPhone与众不同。
广告仍延续了系列围绕产品特性的视觉,充满韵律的画外音加上口音乐的风格。安全,便利,快捷的Apple Pay移动支付令iPhone成为无可取代的产品。这段押韵的画外音也是十分朗朗上口的:
This is an iPhone. And this is Apple Pay. Which lets you shop in a faster, simpler way.
For groceries, and kicks, toys, and your lunchtime fix.
It's safer than a credit card and keeps your info yours.
And you can already use it in over one million stores.
小编译:“这是台iPhone,这就是Apple Pay。简单快捷购物的必备。
比信用卡更安全,绝不轻易泄密,百万家门店随处可用Apple Pay消费”