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苹果Dr. Dre就20多年前殴打女性事件发表致歉声明
发布日期:2015-08-22 11:42:43  稿源:cnBeta.COM

苹果雇员兼Hip-hop大咖Dr. Dre日前在《纽约时报》上就其20多年前殴打女性一事发表致歉声明,苹果同时发表声明支持。随着Dr. Dre所属Hip-hop团体N.W.A自传电影《冲出康普顿》的热映,Dr. Dre在90年代殴打几名女性的事情再次遭到曝光,并且遭受舆论强烈谴责。在20世纪90年代,Dr. Dre因为殴打其当时的女友Michel'le和电视节目主持人Dee Barnes等几名女性而被指控。

Dr. Dre就殴打女性一事在《纽约时报》上发表致歉声明,并为他年轻犯的错向大众致歉。

"Twenty-five years ago I was a young man drinking too much and in over my head with no real structure in my life. However, none of this is an excuse for what I did. I've been married for 19 years and every day I'm working to be a better man for my family, seeking guidance along the way. I'm doing everything I can so I never resemble that man again."

He added: "I apologize to the women I've hurt. I deeply regret what I did and know that it has forever impacted all of our lives."

苹果公司同时在《纽约时报》上发表声明支持Dr. Dre。

"Dre has apologized for the mistakes he's made in the past and he's said that he's not the same person that he was 25 years ago. We believe his sincerity and after working with him for a year and a half, we have every reason to believe that he has changed."

在苹果公司对Beats Electronics 和Beats Music进行收购后,Beats联合创始人吉米·艾欧文(Jimmy Iovine)和Dr. Dre在2014年加入了苹果公司。

吉米·艾欧文(Jimmy Iovine)和Dr. Dre一起为Apple Music 工作。虽然没有具体的职位,但是Dr. Dre在 Apple Music Beats 1 电台上主持周播节目《The Pharmacy》,同时先后在Apple Music独家发行两张专辑 ,包括电影《冲出康普顿》原声带《Compton: A Soundtrack》和《The Chronic》。

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