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发布日期:2015-08-27 13:37:31  稿源:cnBeta.COM


曾于2011年至2014年担任亚马逊出版编辑总监的Julia Cheiffetz发表了一篇文章,揭露了亚马逊在她生完孩子及战胜癌症后是如何逼迫她辞职的。

Julia Cheiffetz刚从Harper Collins出版社跳槽到亚马逊时还是十分兴奋的。

It was a big opportunity, one many people inside the publishing industry told me privately I would be crazy not to take. I was drawn to Amazon’s spirit of innovation, its agility, and its culture of excellence.



I was taken to lunch by a woman I barely knew. Over Cobb salad she calmly explained that all but one of my direct reports — the people I had hired — were now reporting to her. In the months that followed, I was placed on a dubious performance improvement plan, or PIP, a signal at Amazon that your employment is at risk. Not long after that I resigned.


Cheiffetz称她现在很好地平衡了生活和工作,但是她对CEO Jeff Bezos歧视女性员工的观点仍表示强烈不满。

Jeff: You asked for direct feedback. Women power your retail engine. They buy diapers. They buy books. They buy socks for their husbands on Prime. On behalf of all the people who want to speak up but can’t: Please, make Amazon a more hospitable place for women and parents. Reevaluate your parental leave policies.

亚马逊极其严苛的工作环境,对女性及某些特殊员工的偏见和歧视,并对必将导致更多员工的流失。或许其CEO Bezos应该适当改变管理方式,学会换位思考,倾听员工的意见。

You can’t claim to be a data-driven company and not release more specific numbers on how many women and people of color apply, get hired and promoted, and stay on as employees.

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