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发布日期:2015-09-15 08:55:57  稿源:cnBeta.COM



微软介绍了他们的政府安全计划(GSP):微软公司政府安全计划(GSP)源代码协议是一项全球性的计划,旨在使政府及其指定的机构按规定的方式查看评估和保护现有的微软 Windows的源代码以及相关的技术信息,同时创建、部署和维护更加安全的基础设施,以增强微软和各国政府的合作及他们对于Windows平台安全性的信心。

A program designed by Microsoft to help governments evaluate and protect existing systems, and create, deploy, and maintain more secure infrastructure, the GSP fosters partnership and trust. It is open to government agencies regardless of a commercial contract with Microsoft, and is an important part of what we consider to be our duty as global citizens.



…the NCI Agency will gain access to technical information and documentation about Microsoft products and services, as well as information about internet safety, threat intelligence, online training tools, and guidance to help mitigate the effects of cyberattacks across the region.

北约通信与信息局(NCI)官员Koen Gijsbers称北约正面临日益严重的网络安全威胁,这些威胁可能会影响到世界各地国家的经济和公民。北约通信与信息局(NCI)相信微软能帮助快速处理信息威胁和漏洞。

NATO is facing new and increasingly dangerous threats to cybersecurity across the world and these threats could affect national economies and citizens. To avoid it, NCI Agency strongly believes in rapid and early information sharing on threats and vulnerabilities with leader companies worldwide, such as Microsoft. Trust is the key to success.


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