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发布日期:2015-09-16 09:04:36  稿源:cnBeta.COM

微软今天表示已经和环球影城、英国广播公司及及ABC经典提线木偶剧《木偶历险记》(《The Muppets》)制作方等合作,向市场推出了新的Skype"Mojis"主题表情符号。微软希望从一些优秀的电视电影中最疯狂及最标志性的时刻中截取一些有趣的表情。 微软也将会从《卑鄙的我》,《伴娘》,《完美音调》及《侏罗纪公园》等电影中及其他更多热门影片中获取更多的"Mojis"表情。



Now, when you send a message on Skype, you can personalize your chat and pull in your favorite TV or movie moments to do the talking for you. Mojis are short clips from your favorite movies and TV shows that you can put directly into a Skype chat when words aren’t enough to capture for that “ah-hah,” “haha,” or “yikes” moment.


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