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发布日期:2016-01-02 07:11:43  稿源:新浪科技

时值2015年与2016年新旧交替之际,阿里巴巴官方盘点了马云在各种场合讲话,用8句“鸡汤”总结了阿里的2015年。回想曾经的2014年,关于阿里,关于马云的谣言特别多,许多鸡汤也被冠名“马云”,多到马云不得不亲自出来辟谣了。而这次,阿里主动把正牌“鸡汤”端了出来,还是中英双语版,我们一 起来尝尝吧:


To those,We hope that in the foreseeable future all the management teams in our group will be those who were born in the 1970’s。



We hope that we can make Alibaba Group from existing to ubiquitous。

“Ubiquitous。” means we are available everywhere. Because only when we are ubiquitous, can our clients benefit, can our small and medium-sized corporation clients be developed。


Alibaba Group is not an e-commerce company. We are helping others build e-commerce companies。

Our mission is not to sell our own products。

To make it easy to do business, and make others sell more of their products is what we aim to do。


We are the same. We have affection and faith. We are doing one meaningful thing together。


We are not waiting for the future. We hope to win a better future for the world。


Who you are today was determined by what you thought and did ten years ago. Who you will be in the next 10 years is determined by what you are doing now。


To create a better business era by computers, data and our e-commerce capabilities。


everyone of you shall not look down upon the work you do, because you are influencing the world。

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