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[视频]三个小女孩为Donald Trump演唱了一首“赞美之歌”
发布日期:2016-01-15 10:13:27  稿源:cnBeta.COM

在周四的集会上,三个自称“Freedom Kids”的小女孩为共和党总统候选人Donald Trump献上了一曲“赞扬勇气”的歌曲。尽管她们的演出非常可爱,但是歌词却听起来有些不够深思熟虑且容易引起误会,尤其是希望这位“柔软的”亿万富翁、用他的“勇气”去打败“自由的敌人”这句。联想到Trump近期屡次曝出的争议性言论,不知道孩子的家长们内心里到底是是怎么想的。



Are you serious?

Apologies for freedom, I can’t handle this.

When freedom rings, answer the call!

On your feet, stand up tall!

Freedom’s on our shoulders, USA!

Enemies of freedom face the music, c’mon boys, take them down

President Donald Trump knows how to make America great

Deal from strength or get crushed every time

The Official Donald Trump Jam


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