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TIOBE 2016年2月编程语言排行榜 Java发展受阻
发布日期:2016-02-04 12:32:51  稿源:PHP-Z


TIOBE 编程语言社区排行榜是编程语言流行趋势的一个指标,每月更新,这份排行榜排名基于互联网上有经验的程序员、 课程和第三方厂商的数量。排名使用著名的搜索引擎(诸如 Google、MSN、Yahoo!、Wikipedia、YouTube 以及 Baidu 等)进行计算。

该指数可以用来检查你的编程技能是否仍然是最新的或作出什么开始建立一个新的软件系统时,编程语言应采取的战略决策。在 TIOBE 指数的定义可以在这里找到。

编程语言排行榜 TOP 20 榜单:


前 10 名编程语言长期走势图:


以下是 21-50 编程语言排名:



后 50 名编程语言如下:

The following list of languages denotes #51 to #100. Since the differences are relatively small, the programming languages are only listed (in alphabetical order).

  • 4th Dimension/4D, ABC, ActionScript, APL, Avenue, Awk, BBC BASIC, bc, Bourne shell, C shell, CFML, cg, CL (OS/400), Clojure, Common Lisp, cT, Forth, Hack, Icon, IDL, Inform, Io, Ioke, J, Julia, Korn shell, Mathematica, Mercury, MQL4, MS-DOS batch, NATURAL, NXT-G, OCaml, OpenCL, Oz, PL/I, PowerShell, Programming Without Coding Technology, Pure Data, Q, S, S-PLUS, Smalltalk, Standard ML, Stata, Tcl, thinBasic, Verilog, VHDL, Z shell


This month the following changes have been made to the definition of the index:

  • Craig Chapman pointed out that most sites that refer to Pascal are actually referring to Object Pascal. After some investigation, it has been decided to assign 95% of the Pascal sites to Object Pascal and only 5% to Pascal itself. Thanks to this change Delphi/Object Pascal re-entered the TIOBE index top 10.

  • Roger Roesch suggested to add PureBasic to the TIOBE index. That was a very good suggestion. PureBasic enters the TIOBE index at position 44.

  • Another suggestion was made by Roman Belov to add the programming language Kotlin. The Kotlin language debuts at position 168 in the index.

  • Finally, Mohamed Zergaoui proposed to add XQuery to the TIOBE index. XQuery starts at position 210.

  • There are lots of mails that still need to be processed. As soon as there is more time available your mail will be answered. Please be patient.


TIOBE 编程语言社区排行榜是编程语言流行趋势的一个指标,每月更新,这份排行榜排名基于互联网上有经验的程序员、课程和第三方厂商的数量。排名使用著名的搜索引擎(诸如 Google、MSN、Yahoo!、Wikipedia、YouTube 以及 Baidu 等)进行计算。请注意这个排行榜只是反映某个编程语言的热门程度,并不能说明一门编程语言好不好,或者一门语言所编写的代码数量多少。

这个排行榜可以用来考查你的编程技能是否与时俱进,也可以在开发新系统时作为一个语言选择依据。以上是php-z译文,排行榜的详细定义可以参考这里( 英文)。

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