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GWX Control Panel发布:阻止升级Windows及更新清理
发布日期:2016-03-29 17:36:33  稿源:cnBeta.COM

微软采取了更强硬的措施来推进Windows 10系统的升级过程,这无疑遭到了众多Windows 7/8.1用户的反感,纷纷使用各种软件来阻止“Get Windows 10”应用的升级。在这些软件中最知名的要属由Josh Mayfield开发的GWX Control Panel应用,专门阻止系统升级到Windows 10。今天该应用升级至1.7.3.1版本,新增“删除Windows 10程序”功能,可删除关于Windows 10升级相关预定进程的程序文件。



开发者解释了新版软件中的特性:“这个可选的特性会主动监视你的计算机,并且通知你是否检测到任何Windows 10活动的已知证据。以前,用户需要不停的反复运行该程序,才能确保设定未被篡改。而现在,有了监视模式,用户就能够即时了解到是时候检查或更新设置项目了。”

运行GWX控制面板后,系统托盘会出现一个小图标。“双击图标,就能进入GWX控制面板窗口,右键点击该图标则显示菜单。和‘获得Windows 10’图标不同的是,该软件是有退出选项的。只要点击‘开启监视模式’即可打开该特性,这会要求系统重启。你也可以选择禁用监视模式,永久关闭该特性。”


  • You can now block the Microsoft Get Windows 10 icon app even if it isn't currently installed. Previous versions of the program disabled the "Disable Get Windows 10 App" button if the app couldn't be found. But now you can preemptively disable it in the event that the KB3035583 patch gets installed on your PC subsequent to running GWX Control Panel. The text changes to "Prevent Get Windows 10 app" in this case.

  • For users of the GWX Control Panel installer (versus stand-alone), the Check for Updates feature now checks with UltimateOutsider.com to see if a new version is available and downloads/installs the new version at user's request. Stand-alone users will still just have a button that takes you to the Downloads page. (I don't know a reliable/elegant way to upgrade a stand-alone copy, while upgrading is easy with the installer.) Note: For about a half hour there was a version posted that didn't give any "You're already running the most recent version" indication if that turns out to be the case. That was confusing, and I fixed it immediately. So basically if you check for updates and nothing seems to happen, it might mean you're running the version that was up temporarily, and you might have to do a manual download. Sorry!

  • Note: The Enable/Disable Monitor Mode and Display the User Guide buttons have moved. (Making room for an upcoming feature.)

  • Fixed some unexpected behavior that could occur if a user chose not to allow GWX Control Panel admin rights if required to perform an action.

  • Some optimizations in all recursive file operations (hopefully improving performance and success rate of massive delete operations).

  • No longer displays "Change Windows Update Preferences" dialog on computers where users have not yet configured their Windows Update settings; instructs them to set up Windows Update first instead.

  • Improved internal performance of diagnostic logging.

  • Program no longer crashes when run on Windows Vista. (Note: GWX Control Panel serves no purpose on Vista; Microsoft does not target that OS for Windows 10 upgrades. I just didn't want my program crashing when Vista users tried to run it.)

  • To eliminate some odd timing issues caused by users having Monitor Mode enabled for both All Users and Current User at the same time, the installer now makes sure that only "All Users" is enabled. (This only applies to upgrades, and only where Monitor Mode was already enabled.)

  • For debugging purposes, installer now saves a log file in the install directory, named install_log.txt.

  • The installer is now based on NSIS 2.5, which has some security improvements over previous versions.

  • LOTS of under-the-hood refactoring and optimizations in preparation for some future plans.

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