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发布日期:2016-04-07 11:29:14  稿源:cnBeta.COM

据外媒报道,近日许多美国本田车主反映在其当月银行账单中被划取了两次月付车贷,造成了他们支付多余费用或者无法及时还款所 产生的麻烦。对此,美国本田公司正式回应称“二次收取月付车贷”系“处理支付出错(payment processing error)”,本田美国财务公司(AHFC)相关部门正在尽全力解决这项问题。发言人代表AHFC高级副总裁David Paul本土公司向所有受此影响的用户致歉,并表达了公司将为消费者负责的态度。





American Honda Finance Corporation (AHFC) has experienced payment processing errors affecting a number of customer accounts on hondafinancialservices.com. The company is working urgently to resolve the issue and will ensure that any excess billing for finance payments is quickly corrected.

Due to the high call volume from customers in response to this error, AHFC has been unable to speak with each customer in a timely manner. Updates have been issued through social media and hondafinancialservices.com in an effort to reassure customers.

"We recognize that payment processing is a serious issue to our customers and we have a team actively working on this issue to resolve it and take care of our customers," said Senior Vice President of AHFC David Paul. "Customers are our top priority and we apologize for the inconvenience and any concerns that have resulted. We will make this right for our customers."

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