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Mozilla Firefox 46.0.1首个维护版本发布
发布日期:2016-05-04 09:13:38  稿源:cnBeta.COM

继4月26日Firefox 46.0正式版发布之后,今天Mozilla再次为该网页浏览器加上“小尾巴”,首个维护版本Firefox 46.0.1已经面向GNU/Linux、Mac OS X和微软Windows系统开放下载。Firefox 46.0.1修复了多项用户报告或者Mozilla团队开发者发现的BUG和安全漏洞,此外在搜索插件中能够更好的支持各种地理位置的搜索,并改善扩展程序的签名证书有效时间。



ersion 46.0.1, first offered to Release channel users on May 3, 2016

We'd also like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!

  • Add-on signing certificate expiration (Bug 1267318)

  • Service worker update issue (Bug 1267733)

  • Build issue when jit is disabled (Bug 1266366)

  • Page loading issue related to antivirus software (Bug 1268922)

  • Search plugin issue for various locales (Bug 1246494)

  • Limit Sync registration updates (Bug 1262312)


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