为了提高人工智能(AI)与人类的对话能力,谷歌深度学习研究项目Google Brain的工作人员近日在一个测试项目中让其类神经网络系统阅读了2865本爱情小说、1500本科幻小说及其他类型的书籍,共计11000本。 为检验成果,谷歌让AI模仿作者的笔触写下类似的句子,并使用适当的词法和句法创作出了“伤感诗歌”。
it made me want to cry.
no one had seen him since.
it made me feel uneasy.
no one had seen him.
the thought made me smile.
the pain was unbearable.
the crowd was silent.
the man called out.
the old man said.
the man asked.
there is no one else in the world.
there is no one else in sight.
they were the only ones who mattered.
they were the only ones left.
he had to be with me.
she had to be with him.
i had to do this.
i wanted to kill him.
i started to cry.
i turned to him.