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[视频]美大学教授改编比伯《Love Yourself》敦促学生 "Learn Excel"
发布日期:2016-05-13 11:38:10  稿源:cnBeta.COM

近日德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校(UT-Austin)的Clint Tuttle教授以一首改编自贾斯汀·比伯《Love Yourself》的创意歌曲结束了春季学期的最后一节课。Tuttle在讲台上自弹自唱他的改编曲 《Learn Excel》,希望学生毕业后能回想起在他课堂上学到的 Microsoft Excel 知识。

Tuttle教授在歌词中提醒学生,即使他们现在有时候“学习到很晚。。。甚至在完成这些Excel表格时在骂我的名字”,但未来他们会觉得Excel 非常有用。

《Learn Excel》的部分歌词如下:

My students don’t like it but then they see the light

And they never like to admit that I was right

And after college they get jobs,

And they see what’s going on

But now they know,

That Excel is more a friend than foe

Many years from now, when you have left UT

And you use your these skills well please think of me

You’ll probably use conditional formatting

Those nested ifs will come in handy you’ll see

Pivot Tables kick…butt

And you got your functions on!

Use countif, sumif, even vlookup too

Maybe 3-d charts too

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