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苹果发布iOS 9.3.2 修复iPhone SE蓝牙问题
发布日期:2016-05-17 06:39:40  稿源:快科技

今天早些时候,苹果正式发布了iOS 9.3.2系统更新,其体积大小约为80MB。从苹果提供的说明来看,这个更新主要是修复了一些问题并改进了iPhone和iPad的安全性,而对于使用iPhone SE的用户来说,更新至新系统后,将解决一个重要Bug,即修复蓝牙配件与其配对后可能出现的音频质量问题。

iOS 9.3.2 fixes bugs and improves the security of your iPhone or iPad. This update:

  • Fixes an issue where some Bluetooth accessories could experience audio quality issues when paired to the iPhone SE

  • Fixes an issue where looking up dictionary definitions could fail

  • Addresses an issue that prevented typing email addresses when using the Japanese Kana keyboard in Mail and Messages

  • Fixes an issue for VoiceOver users using the Alex voice, where the device switches to a different voice to announce punctuation or spaces

  • Fixes an issue that prevented MDM servers from installing Custom B2B apps

For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201222

此外,iOS 9.3.2修复了字典定义冻结、用日文假名输入电子邮件地址、VoiceOver故障以及一个导致MDM服务器无法安装自定义B2B(企业对企业)应用的问题等。

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