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Mozilla Firefox 48.0.1 发布
发布日期:2016-08-19 06:25:14  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Mozilla于早些时候正式发布了面向桌面和Android平台的Firefox 48,尽管粉丝数没有太大的突破,但该浏览器还是稳居市场第三。Firefox 48带来了多项变动,其中包括了期待已久的“多进程模式”,即将其核心系统与Web内容分离。这意味着当某个标签页消耗了太多系统资源或锁起时,浏览器的其它部分将不受影响。


  • Fix an audio regression impacting some major websites (bug 1295296)

  • Fix a top crash in the JavaScript engine (Bug 1290469)

  • Fix a startup crash issue caused by Websense (Bug 1291738)

  • Fix a different behavior with e10s / non-e10s on  <select>  and mouse events (Bug 1291078)

  • Fix a top crash caused by plugin issues (Bug 1264530)

  • Fix an unsigned add-ons issue on Windows

  • Fix a shutdown issue (Bug 1276920)

  • Fix a crash in WebRTC



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