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发布日期:2016-12-12 14:20:06  稿源:cnBeta.COM

在9月发布会上,苹果公布了搭载W1芯片的无线耳机,包括BeatsX和AirPods等数款无线耳机产品。但是AirPods已被官方宣布延期上市,而BeatsX也迟迟尚未上市,目前仍被官网列为“秋季来临”。根据苹果授权零售商B&H Photo Video最新的告预订客户邮件,苹果已经正式通知他们BeatsX上市日期将推延2-3个月,这意味着BeatsX无线耳机的上市日期至少为明年的2月份或3月份了。


This email is being sent in regards to your order for 1 of the Beats by Dr. Dre BeatsX In-Ear Headphones (Black). 

We regret to inform you that the manufacturer has informed us that they still do not know when they will begin shipping this item but they do know that it will take at least 2-3 months. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused you.

苹果知名博主John Gruber称苹果可能由于生产问题推迟AirPods的发售,似乎同样搭载W1芯片的BeatsX无线耳机也遇到了类似的问题。

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