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Mozilla Firefox 51 Beta 11 发布
发布日期:2017-01-04 20:46:19  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Mozilla今日将Mozilla Firefox 51 Beta 11送上官方FTP服务器,新的Beta版减少了CPU占用和GPU的渲染表现,增加了对WebGL的支持,在地址栏添加了缩放比例指示,同时对FLAC无损音乐格式回放提供了支持。对于Windows 10触控设备而言,51版的E10S多进程特性已经开始运作。

Firefox Beta 51.0

November 16, 2016

Version 51.0 beta, first offered to Beta channel users on November 16, 2016

For more information about Developer Edition please see this MDN article.


  • Added support for FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) playback

  • View passwords from the prompt before saving them

  • Zoom indicator is shown in the URL bar if the zoom level is not at default level

  • Improved video performance for users without GPU acceleration:

    • Less CPU Usage

    • Better full screen experience

  • Support saving passwords for forms without 'submit' events

  • Remove Belarusian (be) locale

  • Added support for WebGL 2


  • Use Skia for content rendering (Linux)



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