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iOS 10.3 发布:查找 AirPods、全新 APFS 文件系统
发布日期:2017-03-28 06:48:50  稿源:MacX

苹果今天发布了 iOS 10.3 正式版。iOS 10 去年 9月13日发布,iOS 10.3 是 iOS 10 系统的第三次重大更新。iOS 10.3 从 1月 24日开始测试,苹果一共发布了7个开发者测试版和公测版。iOS 10.3 可以通过 OTA 无线升级,同时也可以通过 iTunes 下载和更新。


作为 10.x 升级,iOS 10.3 增加了很多重要功能,同时改进了系统性能。iOS 10.3 的新功能之一包括“查找 AirPods”功能。在“查找我的 iPhone”中可以定位 AirPods 的位置,并在一侧或左右 AirPods 上同时播放声音,帮助用户更好的发现 AirPods。

iOS 10.3 还加入了全新的苹果文件系统(APFS)。当用户安装 iOS 10.3 系统后,会将整个文件系统升级为苹果文件系统 Apple File System(APFS)。APFS 的优点有很多,比如“优化闪存/ SSD 存储,并以加密为主要功能”,在I/O联合上使用了“独特的 copy-on-write设计”,在确保可靠性的基础上优化性能。该系统的核心为加密功能,其将为苹果旗下的每款设备提供统一的加密方法。该系统包含有多密钥加密功能,内置有针对每个文件的密钥,其针对敏感元数据也都有独立的密钥。

在 iOS 10.3 中苹果还对 App Store 功能进行了调整,允许开发者直接回应用户的评价。同时,iOS 用户也可以对评价进行评级“有帮助”或“毫无帮助”。同时,苹果还限制了开发者求好评的次数,还有专门的开关完全关闭求好评功能。

iOS 10.3 其他新功能包括:全新的应用开启和关闭动画效果,设置应用中整合了 Apple ID 账户信息,更好的 iCloud 用量图表,改进 SiriKit(支付、叫车),CarPlay 界面改进等。


Find My iPhone

- View the current or last known location of your AirPods

- Play a sound on one or both AirPods to help you find them


- Support for paying and checking status of bills with payment apps

- Support for scheduling with ride booking apps

- Support for checking car fuel level, lock status, turning on lights and activating horn with automaker apps

- Cricket sports scores and statistics for Indian Premier League and International Cricket Council


- Shortcuts in the status bar for easy access to last used apps

- Apple Music Now Playing screen gives access to Up Next and the currently playing song’s album

- Daily curated playlists and new music categories in Apple Music

Other improvements and fixes

- Rent once and watch your iTunes movies across your devices

- New Settings unified view for your Apple ID account information, settings and devices

- Hourly weather in Maps using 3D Touch on the displayed current temperature

- Support for searching “parked car" in Maps

- Calendar adds the ability to delete an unwanted invite and report it as junk

- Home app support to trigger scenes using accessories with switches and buttons

- Home app support for accessory battery level status

- Podcasts support for 3D Touch and Today widget to access recently updated shows

- Podcast shows or episodes are shareable to Messages with full playback support

- Fixes an issue that could prevent Maps from displaying your current location after resetting Location & Privacy

- VoiceOver stability improvements for Phone, Safari and Mail

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