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Apple Pay在美、俄新增20余家银行和信用社支持
发布日期:2017-04-05 06:41:06  稿源:MacX

苹果的金融支付服务Apple Pay今天又扩大业务范围了。其中在美国新增了20余家银行,在俄罗斯新增了两家银行。具体新增银行和信用社名单如下:


-Bank of Grove

-Boulder Dam Credit Union

-Boundary Waters Bank

-Community 1st Credit Union

-Decorah Bank & Trust

-First State Bank of the Florida Keys

-FirstLight Federal Credit Union

-Great Lakes First Federal Credit Union

-Heritage Bank

-Maquoketa State Bank

-McFarland State Bank

-OneWest Bank

-Oxford University Bank

-Peoples Bank (MS)

-Pioneer Federal Credit Union

-Rhinebeck Bank

-River Valley Credit Union (MI)

-River Valley Credit Union (OH)

-Royal Bank

-South Central Bank

-The Infirmary Federal Credit Union

-Unison Credit Union



-Gazprombank (Mastercard credit and debit cards)

苹果Apple Pay上个月刚刚在台湾登陆,这让支持这项服务的国家数量增加到15个。随后Apple Pay还将在今年晚些时候陆续登陆德国和意大利。

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