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foobar2000 1.3.15 正式版发布
发布日期:2017-04-07 20:01:02  稿源:cnBeta.COM

foobar2000是一款Windows 平台下的高级音频播放器,包含了一些播放增益支持、低内存占用等基本特色以及内置支持一些流行的音频格式,支持强大的界面扩展和插件以及出色的音效。foobar2000的定位是专业数字音频播放工具,是一款出色的播放器。foobar2000 1.2支持UPnP MediaRenderer设备即插即用,使用FFmpeg进行MP3、AAC和Vorbis解码。

foobar2000 1.3.15 Final:

Improved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.

Tag manipulation improvements.

When editing tags of iTunes-encoded M4A files, excess padding (often as much as 32 kilobytes) will be removed.

Better handling of WMA “rating” field.

Default UI album art viewer now less likely to make app unresponsive when attempting to load pictures from a lagging network share.

Embedded album art loading performance tweaks.

Updated FLAC library (1.3.2)

Updated zlib (1.2.11)

Updated FFmpeg (3.2.4)

Unicode filenames within ZIP files now work correctly.

Added “skip all” button to Converter overwrite prompt dialog.

Fixed resampler configuration sample rate pickers not allowing more than five digits.



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