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Switch日本本土周销量再创新高 超随后六大机型之和
发布日期:2017-04-13 11:21:25  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Media Create给出了日本地区游戏市场最新一周(4月3日-4月9日)销量报告,在硬件方面任天堂最新主机Switch销量继续领跑,惊人的是,Switch的周销量41193台是榜单随后的六个主机销量的总和(其中包括New 3DS LL,PS4/4 PRO,PSVita等),看来在发售满1月后,Switch在日本本土的热度仍然不减,而且随后即将迎来《马里奥赛车8豪华版》,《ARMS》等一方NS新作。



  1. Switch – 41,193 (45,509)

  2. New 3DS LL – 19,533 (25,719)

  3. PS4 – 18,022 (25,006)

  4. PS4 Pro – 6,490 (5,051)

  5. Vita – 5,987 (7,780)

  6. 2DS – 4,629 (6,240)

  7. New 3DS – 1,523 (1,995)

  8. PS3 – 704 (1,724)

  9. Wii U – 358 (449)

  10. Xbox One – 132 (187)


  1. [3DS] Monster Hunter XX – 65,672 / 1,322,152

  2. [NSW] Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 23,016 / 354,404

  3. [3DS] Mario Sports Superstars – 18,765 / 51,181

  4. [NSW] 1-2-Switch – 12,418 / 166,319

  5. [PS4] LEGO Worlds – 11,578 / NEW

  6. [PS4] Warriors All-Stars – 8,577 / 48,946

  7. [PS4] Ghost Recon Wildlands – 7,907 / 153,408

  8. [3DS] Pokemon Sun/Moon – 6,972 / 3,236,826

  9. [PS4] NieR: Automata – 6,593 / 294,694

  10. [WIU] Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 6,487 / 95,806

  11. [PS4] Blue Reflection – 6,100 / 40,691

  12. [PS4] Horizon Zero Dawn – 6,018 / 196,661

  13. [3DS] Super Mario Maker for 3DS – 5,717 / 1,015,110

  14. [PSV] Warriors All-Stars – 4,527 / 22,393

  15. [NSW] Super Bomberman R – 4,233 / 66,617

  16. [PS4] Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix – 4,218 / 98,725

  17. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V (4,990 Yen Edition) – 4,094 / 318,014

  18. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo – 4,017 / 159,150

  19. [WIU] Minecraft: Wii U Edition – 4,014 / 313,703

  20. [3DS] Kawaii Pet to Kurasou! Wan Nyan & Mini Mini Animal – 3,631 / NEW

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