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Kendrick Lamar化身功夫大侠 表演燃爆科切拉音乐节现场
发布日期:2017-04-18 11:00:41  稿源:cnBeta.COM

昨夜的科切拉音乐节狂欢,现任说唱王者Kendrick Lamar领衔表演再度引爆音乐节现场,包括全新大碟《Damn.》在内的超多曲目,现场舞台布置也是充满中国元素。Kendrick Lamar化身修炼“龟派”武功的功夫肯氏(Kung Fu Kenny),背景屏引入了大量来自邵氏经典电影的中国武术概念视频,“辉光之路”,“龟派”“蛇派”武术等大量中国视觉元素配合K.Dot说唱,最后还被观众要求“安可返场”

Watch how K.Dot Lit the Night

Kung-Fu Kenny Part I

1. DNA. (Live debut; BLOOD. intro)

2. ELEMENT. (Live debut; FEEL. intro)

3. King Kunta (YAH. intro)

4. untitled 07 | 2014 - 2016

5. Untitled 02 | 06.23.2014.

6. goosebumps (with Travis Scott) (Kendrick live debut)

7. Backseat Freestyle (with Swimming Pools (Drank) snippet)

8. Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe (Remix)

9. THat Part (with ScHoolboy Q) (Remix; FEEL. Intro)

10. LUST. (Live debut)

11. Money Trees

Kung-Fu Kenny Part II

12. XXX. (Live debut)

13. m.A.A.d city (Part 1)

14. PRIDE. (Live debut; YAH. intro)

15. Mask Off (with Future) (Kendrick live debut)

16. Alright

17. GOD. (Live debut; FEEL. intro)

Kung-Fu Kenny Part III

18. HUMBLE. (Live debut)

19. LOVE. (Live debut)

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