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WinRAR 5.50 Beta 5 发布
发布日期:2017-07-02 16:22:31  稿源:cnBeta.COM

流行好用的压缩工具,支持鼠标拖放及外壳扩展,完美支持 ZIP 档案,内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO 等多种类型的压缩文件;具有估计压缩功能,你可以在压缩文件之前得到用 ZIP 和 RAR 两种压缩工具各三种压缩方式下的大概压缩率;具有历史记录和收藏夹功能;压缩率相当高,而资源占用相对较少、固定压缩、多媒体压缩和多卷自释放压缩是大多 压缩工具所不具备的。

Version 5.50 beta 5

1. If it takes too much time to locate a destination path

in extraction dialog folder tree, automatic search performed

as user enters the path is cancelled. Lengthy search

in large folders could interfere with user input in this dialog.

You can still force WinRAR to select the entered destination path

in extraction dialog with "Display" button.

2. Bugs fixed:

a) the keyboard focus was not returned to "Settings/File list"

dialog page after selecting the file list font.


WinRAR 5.50 Beta 5 32-bit

WinRAR 5.50 Beta 5 64-bit

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