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微软披露118款Xbox One X增强游戏清单
发布日期:2017-08-21 09:59:37  稿源:cnBeta.COM

微软全新 Xbox One X 主机即将于 11 月与大家见面,而该公司在科隆国际游戏展(Gamescon 2017)上披露了许多关键信息,比如预定、各种预告片、以及哪些游戏针对新主机做出了增强等。根据 Major Nelson 发布的清单,当前有 118 款游戏在列。不过随着时间的推移,它将与“兼容性列表”一样作出定期更新。



A Plague Tale: InnocenceAnthemARK: Survival Evolved (Game Preview)Ashen
Assassin’s Creed OriginsASTRONEER (Game Preview)BattleriteBelow
Black DesertBrawloutChess UltraCODE VEIN
Conan ExilesCrackdown 3Danger ZoneDark and Light
Darksiders IIIDead Rising 4Deep Rock GalacticDiablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition
Dishonored 2Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderDisneyland AdventuresDovetail Games Euro Fishing
DRAGON BALL Fighter ZDynasty Warriors 9EA SPORTS FIFA 18Elex
Elite: DangerousEVERSPACEF1 2017Fable Fortune
Fallout 4Farming Simulator 17Final Fantasy XVFirewatch
For HonorForza Horizon 3Forza Motorsport 7Gears of War 4
GravelHalo 5: GuardiansHalo Wars 2Hand of Fate 2
Hello NeighborHITMANHomefront: The RevolutionInjustice 2
Jurassic ParkKiller InstinctKilling Floor 2Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Life is Strange: Before the StormMadden NFL 18Mafia IIIMantis Burn Racing
METAL GEAR SURVIVEMetro: ExodusMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarMinecraft: Xbox One Edition
Minion MastersMonster Hunter: WorldNBA 2K18Need for Speed Payback
OobletsOri and the Will of the WispOutcast – Second ContactOutlast 2
PaladinsPath of ExilePixar RushPlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
Portal KnightsPro Evolution Soccer 2018Project Cars 2Quantum Break
Raiders of the Broken PlanetRailway EmpireReal Farm Simulator 2017ReCore
Resident Evil 7 biohazardRiMEROBLOXRobocraft Infinity
Rocket LeagueSea of ThievesSlime RancherSMITE
Sonic ForcesStar Wars II BattlefrontState of Decay 2STEEP
Strange BrigadeSuper Lucky’s TaleSUPERHOTSurviving Mars
Tennis World TourThe Artful EscapeThe Crew 2The Darwin Project
The Elder Scrolls Online: MorrowindThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special EditionThe Last NightThe Long Dark
The SurgeThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntTitanfall 2Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
Tom Clancy’s The DivisionTrain Sim WorldTT Isle of Man – Ride on the EdgeWarframe
Warhammer: End Times – VermintideWe Happy FewWolfenstein II: The New ColossusWorld of Tanks
WRC 7 FIA World Rally ChampionshipZoo Tycoon

下面是 Xbox One X Project Scorpion Edition 开箱介绍视频:


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