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发布日期:2018-05-13 07:36:31  稿源:MacX

有开发者收到苹果App审核中心的邮件. 被告知因工信部规定, 在大陆地区上架的App 不可以使用Callkit , 也就是直接在锁屏界面接听来电功能. 如果App使用了Callkit功能将会被下架或者不被审核通过.

之前最先使用Callkit的就是微信, 而很快微信就把Callkit功能去掉了, 之前猜测是因为Callkit功能有bug . 看来bug不在Callkit 了.

有人会问Callkit到底是啥?  就是从App中的VOIP功能会直接显示在锁屏界面 , 像 Facetime 语音通话一样, 当然 Facetime 语音通话功能在大陆行货的手机上也是被限制的.

Apple Dear Developer,

The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146285/ ... n3057713/index.html requested that CallKit functionality be deactivated in all apps available on the China App Store.

Since your app currently includes CallKit and is available for sale on the China App Store, you will need to submit an update that removes CallKit functionality in China.

VOIP call functionality continues to be allowed but can no longer take advantage of CallKit ’ s intuitive look and feel. CallKit can continue to be used in apps outside of China.

If you have questions or do not believe your app is subject to this update, please contact MIIT.

Best regards,

App Store Review

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