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CCleaner 5.47.6701 发布 - 系统优化和隐私保护工具
发布日期:2018-09-18 18:20:23  稿源:cnBeta.COM

CCleaner是一款免费的系统优化和隐私保护工具。CCleaner的主要用来清除Windows系统不再使用的 垃圾文件,以腾出更多硬盘空间。它的 另一大功能是清除使用者的上网记录.CCleaner的体积小,运行速度极快,可以对临时文件夹、历史记录、回收站等进行垃圾清理,并可对注册表进行垃圾项扫描、清理。附带软件卸载功能。

Changes in CCleaner 5.46.6652 (August 30, 2018):

  • Added ‘Minimize to System Tray’ option and restored previous minimize behavior

  • Added ‘Exit’ option to the Tray Icon menu (closes the background process)

  • Fixed various stability issues

Privacy Settings

  • The Monitoring feature and reporting of anonymous usage data can now be controlled separately (previously both were controlled by the ‘Active Monitoring’ checkbox)

  • Added a separate control for the reporting of anonymous usage data

  • Added a link to a Data Factsheet, which explains the data reported from CCleaner, why it’s reported, and what it’s used for (in summary, CCleaner only reports anonymous, statistical data for the purposes of maintaining and improving the app, and it does not report any personal information)

Smart Cleaning

  • Renamed the ‘Monitoring’ feature to ‘Smart Cleaning’, to better describe its purpose (intelligent cleaning alerts) and underline the fact that it does not report usage data

  • Reworded the ‘System Monitoring’ checkbox to ‘Tell me when there are junk files to clean’

  • Reworded the ‘Browser Monitoring’ checkbox to ‘Enable automatic browser cleaning’

  • Reworded the ‘Active Monitoring’ checkbox to ‘Enable Smart Cleaning’

  • If Smart Cleaning is disabled, CCleaner’s background process will close and the feature will not run on startup (same behavior as in v5.44)




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