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发布日期:2014-06-21 08:01:23  稿源:cnBeta.COM

应对移动终端潜在的发展优势,近日“积木王国”乐高宣布推出全新的Lego Fusion系列产品,允许孩子用智能手机或平板拍摄线下搭建好的房子,然后将其保存到虚拟世界中。目前乐高供提供了主城(Town Master)、战斗塔(Battle Towers),竞速游戏( Create and Race)和度假村(Resort Designer)四个套装,每个套装都包含有超过200块积木,主要面向7-12岁儿童的,每款售价为$35,将于今年9月份发售。


Lego Fusion Battle Towers requires players to build a tower and then defend it against vir...

Users of Lego Fusion build onto a capture plate which allows constructions to be imported ...

Damage to towers in Lego Fusion Battle Towers can be repaired by completing timed real-wor...

Lego Fusion games combine physical brick-building and digital play

In Lego Fusion Create and Race, players construct a car which can be taken for a virtual s...

Lego Fusion Resort Designer is part of the Lego Friends line-up

Lego Fusion Town Master sees users create their own Lego town and complete errands and mis...

The Lego Fusion capture plate allows the app to identify the size and colors of the Lego b...

Lego Fusion lets users play with their physical creations in virtual worlds

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