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[图]搭载Android Wear的三星Gear Live上手体验
发布日期:2014-07-01 10:48:57  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Android Wear作为谷歌进军可穿戴领域的重要分支,在今年的Google I/O大会上吸引了全球开发者的目光,除了此前已经确定的Moto 360和LG G Watch两款表型之外大会上还亮相了来自三星的Gear Live,秉承了前几款Gear手表的众多优点同时在外观和性能进一步调整,在下面的文章中我们将会对其进行深入的上手体验。

三星Gear Live智能手表规格:

 ※ 屏幕:分辨率为320*320的1.63英寸Super AMOLED屏幕,像素密度为278ppi

 ※ 处理器:1.2GHz的高通骁龙400处理器

 ※ 内存:512MB

 ※ 内置储存:4GB

 ※ 电池:300mAh,底部有无线充电引脚

 ※ 蓝牙:蓝牙 4.0 LE

 ※ 传感器:心率传感器、陀螺仪、加速计和罗盘

 ※ 三防:IP67

 ※ 尺寸:56mm * 38mm * 8.9mm

 ※ 重量:59g

 ※ 发售日期:6月25日接受预订,7月7日发货

 ※ 售价:$199(约合¥1234)

Super AMOLED屏幕:

Physically, the Gear Live is similar to Samsung's previous Gear watches ... but Google's s...

首先值得肯定的是Gear Live秉承了三星高端Galaxy系列机型的屏幕做工,1.63英寸屏幕的像素密度达到278ppi,这意味着在小屏幕上会有非常细腻的表现。但与此同时外媒在佩戴过程中也表示在太阳直晒情况下表现并不是十分优异,对于辨析屏幕的图案和文字还还有点难度,所以不要期望在夏季充足光照的户外能够看清表盘上显示的信息。


Android Wear's voice control is exactly like the voice control from Google Now

作为Android Wear的标准配置Gear Live内置了基于Google Now的语音控制命令,这就意味着能够随时应对你的各项需求,给你的生活添加丰富的乐趣。比如说此前已经设定好要买点东西,当你在商场附近的时候,Live就会自动以语音形式向你发出提醒。而且整个语音的反馈速度是十分快的,比如说我问Live“ Dikembe Mutombo(NBA球星)有多高?”,屏幕上会自动显示Mutombo的图片,并以卡片的形式告诉我为7英尺2英寸(2.18米)。

Android Wear can answer trivia questions in just a few seconds


The Gear Live has a heart rate sensor on its backside

现阶段智能手表和健身手表的功能产生了交叠,前者不断扮演后者的功能,为此三星Gear Live引入同Galaxy S5相同的心率传感器对于健身用户来说则是非常实用的功能。作为贴身携带的产品,能够更好的记录用户当前的状态,通过对用户习惯的收集分析推荐更好的健身方式。


Some of the things you can ask Android Wear to do

When you aren't using the Gear Live, its display defaults to a black & white power-saving ...

The same watch face, only when the watch is active

There are analog watch faces too

Another watch face

The Gear's band is swappable, for any standard 22 mm strap

An Android Wear card for current weather conditions (swiping to the left would give more d...

The Gear Live takes up a lot of space on your wrist, but, on the plus side, it's only 8.9 ...

The clasp here is more like that of the Gear Fit (no collapsible buckle), and less like th...

The Gear Live is pretty snazzy-looking ... but it's still clearly a tech product

Its square screen measures 1.63 inches, with 320 x 320 resolution (278 PPI)

You could swipe your finger up from this screen to see your recent cards

Another look at a watch face in dimmed mode

The Gear's display isn't great in direct sunlight

Gizmag takes a first look at the Samsung Gear Live ... along with Google's new smartwatch ...

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