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微软商城给力活动:买Xbox One主机送50美元礼券 得免费游戏
发布日期:2014-09-16 07:57:14  稿源:cnBeta.COM

在微软宣布25 亿美元收购Minecraft游戏开发商Mojang的同时,微软同时进行了一项限时优惠活动:在你在微软零售店或微软网上商城购买Xbox One主机,即可获得50美元的Xbox礼金券(十日内有效),在指定的微软商城或网上商城购买。另外,你还能收到一个免费的游戏。


"Limit one (1) $50 gift card per qualifying Xbox One purchase. Expiration dates apply to redeem your promotional code to your Microsoft Account, and then to spend your Promotional code funds. Promotional code funds can only be used for purchases at select Microsoft and Xbox online stores. Must be 13+. For eligible purchases (exclusions apply) at select Xbox stores, the Windows Phone store, the Windows store, and other participating Microsoft online stores.

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