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发布日期:2015-06-10 12:37:30  稿源:cnBeta.COM

北京时间本周二凌晨在旧金山召开WWDC发布会,推出了全新的iOS 9和OS X EI Capitan系统。在发布会结束之后网络说唱歌手Jonathan Mann在其“Song a Day”(每天一首歌)频道中以音乐的方式展示了苹果发布的内容。

他本身就是苹果的忠实粉丝,所以毫不奇怪他通过音乐的方式展示WWDC的内容,涵盖OS X EI Capitan和最新的iOS 9系统,还有在发布会展台上Eddy Cue的舞姿,他的歌曲基本上涵盖了发布会的所有内容。


Craig Federighi asked Trent Reznor

To help him find his pain and rage

But Craig Federighi didn’t have any

He had a totally dope presentation on stage

A cursor that jumps out at you

Spotlight panel resize

How about that innovation

SplitView, Yurts and pinned sites

Not one but count them two

Women up on the stage

It’s a start and it’s about damn time

Cuz these white dad jokes are starting to fade

Lots of apps got sherlocked

I feel bad for them

Federighi meditates

When he wakes up at 5am

Swift 2 is open source

And I hope they don’t waste time

Cuz long ago didn’t they say

The same thing about FaceTime?

I’m not really psyched

About anything Apple Music does

If Drake had a point that he was making

I’m not sure I really know what it was

Eddie Cue was dancing

Jimmy Iovine was yelling

But I don’t think the audience

Was buying what they were selling

Susan Prescott reads ESPN

For the articles

More of her, please

And less One More Things

You can just be willy nilly with those



Low power mode and games

Transit looks cool

El Capitan is a werid name

Wallet and news and siri knows

When you get in your car

Apple cares about your privacy

So Bust a move and get bizarre

El Capitan, El Capitan

Metal and Poutine

Cool stuff on watchOS

And I don’t wanna be mean

But it went on a little too long

We all got burned out

If Steve were here

He never ever ever would have allowed

Just kidding there were keynotes he did that weren’t perfect either

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