在四月,美国联邦通信委员会FCC发布网络中立新规后,无线行业代表机构CTIA就向华盛顿特区巡回上诉法院起诉,企图阻止新规实施。如今,法院正式驳回 该起诉,网络中立新规目前为止仍是安全的。FCC官方推特账号发文表示:网络中立新规将在明日(美国时间6月12日周五)凌晨正式生效。
"This is a huge victory for Internet consumers and innovators! Starting Friday, there will be a referee on the field to keep the Internet fast, fair and open. Blocking, throttling, pay-for-priority fast lanes and other efforts to come between consumers and the Internet are now things of the past. The rules also give broadband providers the certainty and economic incentive to build fast and competitive broadband networks."