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黑客利用婚外情网站Ashley Madison漏洞进行勒索
发布日期:2015-08-22 10:48:51  稿源:cnBeta.COM

黑客利用本周婚外情网站Ashley Madison数据库出现漏洞的时机进行勒索。根据互联网博客“克雷布斯安全”披露的消息,密尔沃基一个电子邮件供应商发现黑客不断发送邮件给他们的用户。黑客在邮件中声称从Ashley Madison网站中得到用户信息,用户如果不希望自己的信息被泄露,必须支付1.0000001 比特币(约和225美金)到黑客指定的账户中。


Unfortunately, your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have your information.

If you would like to prevent me from finding and sharing this information with your significant other send exactly 1.0000001 Bitcoins (approx. value $225 USD) to the following address:


Sending the wrong amount means I won’t know it’s you who paid.

You have 7 days from receipt of this email to send the BTC. If you need help locating a place to purchase BTC, you can start here…..


用户还在不断收到这些勒索邮件。但是值得注意的是,因为Ashley Madison允许不经认证就可进入数据库,数据库里的很多邮箱地址和实际的Ashley Madison用户是不符的。这也导致很多用户尴尬地发现他们被公布的邮箱很多甚至未被启用过。

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