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发布日期:2015-09-21 14:32:25  稿源:cnBeta.COM

现在我们很容易在商店买到不同口味的美味三明治。即便是自己亲手制作三明治,所需的原料也都是从店里购买现成的。因为食物供应链如此发达,我们才能这么容易吃到美味的食物。 美国一名男子Andy George希望通过自己实践告诉人们食物取得的不易。他耗时6个月,花费1500美元亲手制作了三明治。



Making the sandwich requires George to, among other things: grow his own vegetables, milk a cow (for the cheese), evaporate ocean water (for the salt), collect his own honey, grow and then grind his own wheat, preserve his own pickles, and slaughter/de-feather/butcher/cook a chicken.

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