《精灵宝可梦GO》自上市以来令大街小巷成了抓精灵玩家们的聚集地,但也有部分玩家违背了游戏宗旨,趁机造假开挂进行游戏。Niantic官方近日终于祭 出铁腕整治,开始大规模的对违规账号进行永久封禁。Niantic对此表示,使用以下外挂方式的将会处以永久封号,它们分别是“提供不正确的地理位置 (GPS)信息”、“使用模拟器”、“改造或使用非官方的软体”、“通过第三方连接《精灵宝可梦GO》”。
当Niantic确定给予永久封号的处罚时,会 对违规玩家寄出一封永久停权的告知信,正所谓先礼后兵。当然,玩家如果对处罚决定有异议,可填写表格进行反馈。
Trainer,Your account has been terminated。Use of any other third-party software or app,including but not limited to scripts/apps,applications used to falsify your location,emulators,modified or unofficial software,and/or accessing Pokémon GO clients or backends in an unauthorized manner is considered cheating。
If you believe your account has been terminated in error,you may fill out this form。Please consider your account permanently terminated unless we reply back to your appeal。