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Vivaldi 浏览器 1.7.735.48 正式版发布
发布日期:2017-03-15 06:31:03  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Vivaldi浏览器的Ruarí Ødegaard今天宣布了Vivaldi 1.7网页浏览器的正式版,版本号为1.7.735.48,该版本基于Chromium 56,优化了多个语言翻译,修复了此前版本出现的一系列regressions,并改善全新的历史面板。


  • Mapped keyboard shortcuts for screenshots.

  • Configurable lazy loading for pinned tabs.

  • Native macOS notifications.

  • Addition of StartPage private search engine

  • Configurable top-level domain expansion.

  • Toggle extensions visibility option in the address bar.

  • Improved keyboard menu access on Windows/Linux for Chinese, Japanese and Korean users.


1.7.735.48 for Windows 32-bit

1.7.735.48 for Windows 64-bit

1.7.735.46 for Mac OS X

1.7.735.46 for Linux 32-bit [deb]

1.7.735.46 for Linux 64-bit [deb]

1.7.735.46 for Linux 32-bit [rpm]

1.7.735.46 for Linux 64-bit [rpm]

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