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Mozilla Firefox 58.0.2 发布 修复各种问题
发布日期:2018-02-08 06:30:16  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Mozilla Firefox 58.0.2今日发布,修复了macOS下的签名验证问题、特定显卡驱动下的工作不稳定问题,打印页面时的标签崩溃问题等,并没有增加新功能,推荐所有Firefox 58用户升级,同时您也可以选择升级Firefox 59 Beta 5。

  • Avoid a signature validation issue during update on macOS

  • Blocklisted graphics drivers related to off main thread painting crashes

  • Tab crash during printing

  • Fix clicking links and scrolling emails on Microsoft Hotmail and Outlook (OWA) webmail



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