Apache HTTP Server(简称 Apache)是 Apache 软件基金会的一个开放源码的网页服务器,可以在大多数计算机操作系统中运行,由于其多平台和安全性被广泛使用,是最流行的 Web 服务器端软件之一。它快速、可靠并且可通过简单的 API 扩展,将 Perl/Python 等解释器编译到服务器中。 Apache HTTP Server 2.4.33 稳定版已发布,更新内容如下:
Changes with Apache 2.4.33
*) core: Fix request timeout logging and possible crash for error_log hooks.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_slomem_shm: Fix failure to create balancers's slotmems in Windows MPM,
where children processes need to attach them instead since they are owned
by the parent process already. [Yann Ylavic]
*) ab: try all destination socket addresses returned by
apr_sockaddr_info_get instead of failing on first one when not available.
Needed for instance if localhost resolves to both ::1 and
e.g. if both are in /etc/hosts. [Jan Kaluza]
*) ab: Use only one connection to determine working destination socket
address. [Jan Kaluza]
*) ab: LibreSSL doesn't have or require Windows applink.c. [Gregg L. Smith]
*) htpasswd/htdigest: Disable support for bcrypt on EBCDIC platforms.
apr-util's bcrypt implementation doesn't tolerate EBCDIC. [Eric Covener]
*) htpasswd/htdbm: report the right limit when get_password() overflows.
[Yann Ylavic]
*) htpasswd: Don't fail in -v mode if password file is unwritable.
PR 61631. [Joe Orton]
*) htpasswd: don't point to (unused) stack memory on output
to make static analysers happy. PR 60634.
[Yann Ylavic, reported by shqking and Zhenwei Zou]