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[视频]售$309 口袋式TouchPico投影仪将墙变成巨大触控屏
发布日期:2014-07-30 08:26:41  稿源:cnBeta.COM


TouchPico运行Android 4.0操作系统,提供了1.6GHz的双核ARM Cortex A9处理器,1GB的DDR 3内存和4GB的内置储存,用户可以通过USB OTG来连接到移动硬盘上来扩展储存容量,内置802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi和HDMI端口能够将电脑(兼容Windows和Mac)或移动设备(智能手机或平板)上的屏幕投影到墙壁上。

The TouchPico's 0.3-in DLP projector puts out at least 80 lumens

这款设备装备了0.3英寸的DLP能够投影出80流明亮度,RGB LED灯泡的使用寿命达到了20000小时。原生的投影分辨率为854*480(WVGA),提供1000:1的动态比和6500K的色温。投影屏幕比例是1.6:1,根据官方称最大能够投影80英寸屏幕。

The TouchPico is reported to have about the same dimensions as a Samsung Galaxy S4 smartph...

Built-in 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi allows content from a smartphone or tablet to be displayed on t...


With the help of its IR stylus, the TouchPico can become an interactive whiteboard

The developers say that the TouchPico's main aim is to disrupt the educational market

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