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Monkey’s Audio 4.19 发布
发布日期:2017-01-28 06:58:49  稿源:cnBeta.COM

Monkey's Audio 是一套可将WAV转成*.APE(Monkey's Audio格式)的音乐文件,他不像一般的MP3或OGG音乐格式,为了节省空间而失去了应有的音乐品质。Monkey's Audio强调的是保有原来的高品质音质,且压缩上相当快速、支持ID3编辑,更可利用WinAMP及Media Jukebox来播放,如你喜欢高品质音乐的话,相信绝对是相当不错的选择、且完全免费。

Monkey’s Audio 4.19:

1.Changed: Switched to Visual Studio 2015 – hopefully faster builds.

2.Fixed: Columns could get saved with no width and then they’d load with no width which was confusing.

3.Changed: Changed a silly type used to uint32 from unsigned int because I guess it wasn’t building on Linux and Mac.

4.Changed: Made the copyrights say 2017.




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