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[图]Chrome 70正式版发布:可禁用捆绑登录 支持PWA和AV1解码器等
发布日期:2018-10-17 08:17:01  稿源:cnBeta.COM

备受期待的Chrome 70于今天正式登陆Windows、Mac和Linux平台。本次版本更新引入了诸多新的功能,包括禁用谷歌绑定登陆,在Windows平台支持Progressive Web Apps,允许用户严苛限制扩展可访问的网站白名单,此外还有AV1解码器等等。用户可以通过内置的更新程序进行更新,或者直接前往google.com/chrome网站进行下载。

在Chrome 69版本中,Google尝试“简化”登陆选项,一旦用户通过谷歌账号登陆Gmail或者其他谷歌服务之后,那么就会自动登陆Chrome浏览器。此举遭到了很多用户的吐槽,对此在新版本中谷歌对其进行了调整,提供了三项调整:

● 正如下图所示的选项,允许用户关闭网页登陆和浏览器登录之间的账号绑定。如果用户禁用这个选项,那么登陆Google网站或者服务,那么登陆账号之后并不会登陆Chrome。

● 对用户界面进行调整,让用户更清楚的知道同步状态

● 在Chrome 69中在Cookies清理之后依然保留Google账号Cookies,以便于用户保持登陆状态。不过在Chrome 70版本中会删除所有cookies。


此外Google还在Chrome 70中新增了一系列新的功能。这款拥有10亿用户的浏览器在Windows 平台上现在支持Progressive Web Apps(PWA)。用户可以从开始菜单中触发这些应用,并且能够和其他已经安装的应用一样运行。


AV1是Alliance for Open Media开发的免版税编解码器。与编解码器VP9相比,AV1的压缩效率提高了30%以上。Chrome 70新增了AV1解码器(不包括编码功能)。 用户可前往YouTube的TestTube页面,选择 “Prefer AV1 for SD”或者“Always Prefer AV1”,然后从 AV1 Beta Launch播放列表中播放片段。

此外Chrome 70还修复了23处安全漏洞,包括:

[$N/A][888926] High CVE-2018-17462: Sandbox escape in AppCache. Reported by Ned Williamson and Niklas Baumstark working with Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program on 2018-09-25

[$N/A][888923] High CVE-2018-17463: Remote code execution in V8. Reported by Ned Williamson and Niklas Baumstark working with Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program on 2018-09-25

[$3500][872189] High CVE to be assigned: Heap buffer overflow in Little CMS in PDFium. Reported by Quang Nguyễn (@quangnh89) of Viettel Cyber Security on 2018-08-08

[$3000][887273] High CVE-2018-17464: URL spoof in Omnibox. Reported by xisigr of Tencent’s Xuanwu Lab on 2018-09-20

[$3000][870226] High CVE-2018-17465: Use after free in V8. Reported by Lin Zuojian on 2018-08-02

[$1000][880906] High CVE-2018-17466: Memory corruption in Angle. Reported by Omair on 2018-09-05

[$3000][844881] Medium CVE-2018-17467: URL spoof in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-05-19

[$2000][876822] Medium CVE-2018-17468: Cross-origin URL disclosure in Blink. Reported by James Lee (@Windowsrcer) of Kryptos Logic on 2018-08-22

[$1000][880675] Medium CVE-2018-17469: Heap buffer overflow in PDFium. Reported by Zhen Zhou of NSFOCUS Security Team on 2018-09-05

[$1000][877874] Medium CVE-2018-17470: Memory corruption in GPU Internals. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-08-27

[$1000][873080] Medium CVE-2018-17471: Security UI occlusion in full screen mode. Reported by Lnyas Zhang on 2018-08-10

[$1000][822518] Medium CVE-2018-17472: iframe sandbox escape on iOS. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2018-03-16

[$500][882078] Medium CVE-2018-17473: URL spoof in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-09-08

[$500][843151] Medium CVE-2018-17474: Use after free in Blink. Reported by Zhe Jin(金哲),Luyao Liu(刘路遥) from Chengdu Security Response Center of Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd on 2018-05-15

[$500][852634] Low CVE-2018-17475: URL spoof in Omnibox. Reported by Vladimir Metnew on 2018-06-14

[$500][812769] Low CVE-2018-17476: Security UI occlusion in full screen mode. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-02-15

[$500][805496] Low CVE-2018-5179: Lack of limits on update() in ServiceWorker. Reported by Yannic Bonenberger on 2018-01-24

[$N/A][863703] Low CVE-2018-17477: UI spoof in Extensions. Reported by Aaron Muir Hamilton <[email protected]> on 2018-07-14

[895893] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives


Stable 稳定版 32位

最新版本:70.0.3538.67,文件大小:49.843MB,查询时间:2018-10-17 02:46







Stable 稳定版 64位

最新版本:70.0.3538.67,文件大小:50.394MB,查询时间:2018-10-17 02:46







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